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Raining Or Reigning, That Is The Question :)

This country is at a crossroads with regard to law and order. The Rule Of Law, order, and normal civility has been missing from our country since the inception of MTV…. MTV broke all barriers reigning (raining ) down filth and this anything goes attitude without consequences. This culture permeated the brains of our children and many of their parents…. Enter Obama and his complete disregard for anything seemingly normal behavior like men lurking in little girls bathrooms under the guise of inclusion… Turning our country inside out.

Now about a third of our country led by democrats that are completely off the rails of…. Their level of anger and hatred for anything normal is mind boggling while scorching the earth…. its time for everyone concerned with the future had better get on board the Trump Train Of America First or be left at the station in a place called degradation….

These are a few things Schumer, Pelosi  

Its Time to open a few democrat scandals and secret talks

For Instance
Why all his muslim advisers around Obackarama And Hillary
Why a nuclear deal with Iran
Why no definitive proof of osama bin laden
Where was the special prosecutor for Fast and Furious?
Where was the special prosecutor for the IRS scandal?
Where was the special prosecutor for Hillary's email scandal?
Where was the special prosecutor for the Clinton Foundation?

Where was the special prosecutor for Fast and Furious?
Where was the special prosecutor for the IRS scandal?
Where was the special prosecutor for Hillary's email scandal?
Where was the special prosecutor for the Clinton Foundation?
Where was the special prosecutor for Loretta Lynch's meeting on the tarmac with Bill Clinton?
Not to mention the countless Regulations stifling

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Harley wtf

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