Author: admin
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Raining Or Reigning, That Is The Question :)
This country is at a crossroads with regard to law and order. The Rule Of Law, order, and normal civility has been missing from our...
Coming to a city near You…. oops their here
VIDEO: Muslims Enforcing Sharia Law on the streets of London! VIDEO: Muslims Enforcing Sharia Law on the streets of London! Posted by Deport Or Jail...
Gene Tribbets Dear Hollywood celebrities, You exist for my entertainment. Some of you are great eye candy. Some of you can deliver a line with such conviction that you bring tears to my eyes. Some of you can scare the crap out of me. Others make me laugh. But you all have one thing in common, you only have a place in my world to entertain me. That’s it. You make your living pretending
Gene Tribbets You make your living pretending to be someone else. Playing dress up like a 6 year old. You live in a make believe...